April 2023 Newsletter
New Addition to the iLevel Team | New Brands | Featured Brand | Article: 5 Steps to Wellness
New brand at iLevel
Eco Guardian brand Bamboolia partners with iLevel Management
Bamboolia (bamboolia.com)
Eco Guardian is pleased to announce their Bamboolia brand partnership with iLevel Management, Inc. iLevel Management will be acting as broker for Bamboolia to natural Health Food stores, Mass Retail, Food Service and Drug Stores in Canada.
As a division of Eco Guardian, Bamboolia specializes in offering a complete line of environmentally conscious household paper products. Along with our parent company, we’re united in the mission of protecting our planet and its resources. We strive to bring high quality, sustainable bamboo paper items to market and give conscientious consumers an alternative that is great for their needs and better overall for the planet.
“iLevel’s dedication to the industry and supporting emerging brands algins with our vision and values and we look forward to working with them extensively across Canada” – Swapnil Abrol, Vice President Special Projects, Eco Guardian, Founder, Bamboolia
New brand at iLevel
Fru Terra partners with iLevel Management
About Fru-Terra (www.fru-terra.com)
We take great pleasure in announcing the appointment of iLevel Management Inc. as our new partners for Fru-Terra juice sales. iLevel’s coverage will include natural health food, mass retail, pharmacy and food service. With their solid track record in the food industry in Canada and Fru-Terra’s 50+ year commitment to producing high quality juices we look forward to a win-win situation for retailers and consumers
About Fru-Terra
Fru-Terra inc. was incorporated in 1989 and remains on the cutting edge of new food and beverage development. With the acquisition of the Bennett’s brand in January 1994 the company began commercial affairs, offering Canadian consumers a trusted household juice brand. Driven by the same family values from which the company originated we are proud to deliver uncompromising quality and freshness high on the good things like natural, pure juice, antioxidants and fiber. Our family has been producing juices since the 1960’s for our own brands and many private labels.In our latest venture we are proud to bring you our new organic line. First to be packed in lightweight, recyclable PET bottles, they are USDA Organic and OU Kosher certified. Upon the roll out of the complete line this year, we will be formulating new flavours to satisfy the ever-changing needs of today’s modern and sophisticated consumer.
CHFA Now Vancouver 2023
CHFA NOW Vancouver show is an amazing opportunity for face-to-face interaction with current and new independent retail customers and representatives from major key chain accounts from across Canada. It was a pleasure to interact with a captive audience that was interested in what we had to showcase in the iLevel aisle. This show allowed the iLevel brands the ability to boost their brands awareness and expand their customer base. Additionally, all received some instant feedback when promoting new products. Many of our vendors found it to be great PR event along with it providing an educating experience. The trade show also allowed our vendors to see some of their competitors and what they do differently; as well as find companies with similar values for future partnership. Most importantly this event let us to get to know each other better and have a fun experience while working together. We invite you to meet our crew in person and grab some samples from our brands in the upcoming CHFA NOW Toronto 2023 show, being hosted at the Enercare Centre at Exhibition Place in downtown Toronto.
Spring Reset for Your Immune System
Spring is traditionally a season of renewal and rebirth, and most of us mark it somehow. Whether it’s refreshing your closet or the dreaded spring cleaning, we acknowledge this new stage of our yearly journey. But it’s not just your clothes or your home that need a makeover! Now that the warm season’s finally upon us, take the time to listen to your body – and identify the areas that need a little work.
Change up your diet
So much of our life is tied to the way we eat; mood, temperament, energy, and stress levels are all impacted by what goes into your gut. If you’re constantly feeling drained and exhausted, it might suggest an iron deficiency. Try incorporating ironrich foods like leafy greens, nuts, or tofu into your diet. If you struggle with brittle hair and nails, on the other hand, it might be your sign to consume more collagen. Your body is more expressive than most people think. All you ] need to do is pay attention to what it’s signaling.
Try seasonal eating
Some people find great benefits in switching to a seasonal diet. A seasonal diet is basically what our ancestors would’ve eaten before supermarkets and imports were a thing. If you’re one of those people who longs to eat fresh and healthy but is put off by the exorbitant prices of produce, seasonal eating might be for you. By eating only what naturally grows in your geographical region, you’re: Eating fresh, and getting plenty of nutrients; Supporting local farmers and agriculture; Helping the planet heal by cutting down transport costs for exotic produce; Protecting your wallet since locally grown food tends to be cheaper than imports.
Find your movement
Struggling to stick to that 30-day workout plan? Do you frequently pay for gym memberships only
to find your enthusiasm floundering after a few days? Then maybe you just haven’t found the right
movement for you.
One of the biggest misconceptions of Internet workout culture is that there’s a one-size-fits-all answer to staying in shape. There isn’t. It’s true, some people find great joy (and benefits) in weightlifting, running, or cycling. But maybe you don’t, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you’re not a “workout person”. It just means you haven’t yet found the workout for you. Since spring is a season of renewal and exploration, why not take the time to try out a bunch of different options?
Not a fan of cardio? Try swimming. Hate weightlifting? Try strength yoga. Or join a dance class. Find something that doesn’t just tone your abs, but also brings you joy doing it.
Identify stressors… and eliminate them
The relationship between stress and illness is a complex one, so here’s an easy breakdown:
Highly stressful situations mean our bodies produce more cortisol, aka “the stress hormone”. It’s a
natural survival mechanism, one that unfortunately inhibits our immune system, and impairs the
ability of white blood cells to fight off infection and disease.
So for a strong immune system and a healthy spring, take a look at your life, and identify the main stressors. It might be a toxic work environment, a heavy workload, or a tumultuous home life. It might be the social anxiety caused by interactions with a friend or a coworker.
Whatever it is, it will keep on affecting you (and your immunity) if you don’t deal with it. Since it’s not always possible (or desirable) to walk away from a stressful relationship, explore your options. Try talking to the person who’s making things stressful, and find ways to take care of your emotional needs. Meditation, yoga, long walks, and listening to music are all great ways to reduce stress and balance the body.
Figure out your sleep schedule
Sleep is another major component of a healthy, strong immune system. Unfortunately, it’s one of
the trickiest elements to regulate in your life.
While it’d be nice to sleep 7-8 hours, you can make do with 6. We’ve all fallen prey to this type of
reasoning. And while it is technically true, it carries a lot of harmful connotations in the long run. An
inadequate sleep schedule leads to fatigue build-up in your body. That, in turn, affects how well
our bodies can fight off infection after exposure to a virus. It also means a longer recuperation
time after infection. Why? Because our body is exhausted, and producing fewer antibodies to fight
off infections. Do this, and you’ll never get sick… well, not quite. Obviously, there’s more to building a
strong immune system than just fruit and eight hours of sleep. Even the healthiest people do
sometimes get sick. And while there’s no bulletproof answer to illness, all of the above elements
come together to make the illness less likely or severe.
Fixing your nutrition, workout, sleep, and
managing your emotional needs isn’t just
important for a balanced immune system,
though. It’s something you need to do for
yourself. Remember, the more we feel taken
care of, the better our overall quality of life will
be. So this spring, find a little me-time. Play
around with incorporating more healthy
practices into your day-to-day. If you’re not
sure, try it for 30 days, and see how you feel
Featured Brand - Lakanto
Enjoy the good stuff without the bad.
Creators of the original monk fruit sweetener, Lakanto is
often imitated, yet never duplicated. The unique binding
process creates an ideal replacement for sugar, and our
fans accept no substitutes. What began as a search to
replace sugar without the bitter aftertaste of common
artificial sweeteners to cure the diabetic founder’s sweet
tooth, has quickly become a favorite of people from any
lifestyle imaginable. From Keto to Gluten-Free, Diabetes to
Vegan, or even if you just want a tasty treat without the
nasty side effects of sugar, Lakanto has you covered.
Lakanto Classic Monkfruit Sweetener What started the
craze continues to be craved. This replacement for white
sugar allows people to continue to enjoy their favorite
recipes, all while ditching the process sugar, and its
adverse health effects, found nearly everywhere. It
continues to be the basis of many Lakanto products,
because after all, you can’t improve upon perfection.
Lakanto Golden Monkfruit Sweetener
After creating the original sweetener, we realized white sugar isn’t the only culprit out there. More needs needed to be met, and more use cases. The Golden Monkfruit Sweetener was created to replace raw cane sugar in recipes, without sacrificing taste or modifying recipes.
Lakanto Powdered Monkfruit Sweetener
What about icings? Cheesecakes? All the times you need powdered sugar to make that classic, so tasty yet so bad for you recipe come to life? Lakanto removed the bad for you part while keeping the rest by introducing Powdered Monkfruit Sweetener. Now the most decadently delicious desserts can be enjoyed by all, without sacrificing taste or performing mathematical equations to make the recipe work.
Lakanto Pancake Syrup
A stack of flapjacks doesn’t slap if it’s not generously drizzles with oh so sweet syrup. To make “the most important meal of the day” not crammed with ill advised sugars, Lakanto created this perfect topping to top it all off. No matter what lifestyle, or taste, people have, they can all dig in without a second thought, knowing taste isn’t sacrificed, only sugars are.