January 2023 Newsletter
New Addition to the iLevel Team | New Brands | Featured Brand | Article: 5 Steps to Wellness
New Addition to the iLevel Team
Quebec/Ottawa Account Manager
Daniela Radovic
iLevel Management Inc. is delighted to advise that Daniela Radovic has joined our team as Account Manager Quebec & Ottawa. Please join us as we welcome Daniela to the iLevel family. Nathalie Langlois is no longer with iLevel and we wish her well.
With over 20 years of Business Management experience, Daniela’s passion for wellness took her back to study as a Naturopath Practitioner. Since 2017, she has been in the Natural & organic industry in Quebec.
Her combined experiences with natural health retailers and grocery retailers give her a complete overview to ensure we continue to develop the sales of the natural brands iLevel represents.
As an avid traveler, Daniela has visited more than 40 countries. This experience will also contribute to her holistic approach to her professional life.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Daniela can be reached at:
C: 514-742-5645
Brand Manager – Carlye Towne
iLevel Management Inc. is happy to announce that Carlye Towne has joined our team as Brand Manager. Please join us as we welcome Carlye to iLevel. Sherri Ellis-Bell is no longer with iLevel and we wish her well.
Carlye has enjoyed working in the natural products industry since 2010. Carlye has spent most of her career working the distribution side which will be a key benefit as she will know what the needs of her distribution customers will be as she takes the brands to the next level.
Carlye most loves the industry for the people and the products. She is excited to join iLevel because she will get a chance to work directly with amazing brands and help them grow in Canada.
In her spare time she likes cycling and running, and volunteering for the City of Delta
Carlye can be reached at:
C: 778-999-1428
New brands at iLevel
Omega Nutrition Canada Inc. is pleased to announce their partnership with ilevel Management, Inc. ilevel Management will be acting as Omega's sales broker to natural Health Food stores, Mass Retail, Food Service and Drug Stores in Canada.
Omega Nutrition Canada Inc. www.omeganutrition.com
At Omega Nutrition, we believe in simple processes, straightforward ingredients, and authentic, good-for-you products. Established in 1987, Omega Nutrition started out with a vision to produce only clean, nutritious products, and this legacy still stands 35 years later.
"iLevel's team, expertise and our alignment on core principles create a great foundation for a successful partnership that supports growth and the ability to supply innovative product to the Canadian market." - Randy Ferrario, Principal - Omega Nutrition Canada Inc.
New brands at iLevel
Uncle Lee’s Tea
Uncle Lee’s Tea is pleased to announce the appointment of iLevel Management, Inc. as the Canadian sales broker to Natural Health Food, Grocery, Mass Merchandise and Drug stores. The team at Uncle Lee’s is excited to be working with iLevel’s sales team to market, distribute and increase sales of Uncle Lee’s Tea products across Canada.
Half a century ago, Uncle Lee’s helped introduce green tea to the North American Market. In the process, we carved our little piece of rich history. Today, our diverse collection of teas continues in the same spirit. Our company’s mission is to provide quality organic tea for an affordable price for a daily consumption as well as sharing generations of knowledge, craftsmanship, and tradition with tea lovers everywhere.
Family owned and operated by 5 generations of tea growers, Uncle Lee’s traditional values and modern operations has become one of the world’s largest tea fields in Asia with over 1500 tea stores worldwide, supported by 5 estates.
Tea collections include Legends of China, Imperial Organic, Green Dieters blend, & Body Slim tea.
We do things a little differently here at Uncle Lee’s. Simply put, we care about quality. Not only “Organic” is our pursuit but we strive for using the best quality ingredients and skillful blends to separate us from the others. That means cultivating our teas in a thoughtful, healthy, and sustainable manner. Through a careful process of harvesting, fermentation, and distribution, we maintain natural characteristics that have been enjoyed for generations. All these elements come together to create a difference you can taste.
About Uncle Lee’s Tea
Featured Brand - Wise Bites
A return to good health with Wise Bites
It’s great fun to take part in the food traditions we observe over the holidays, passing special dishes around the table with loved ones, and indulging in favourite treats and beverages that we associate with these once-a-year occasions.
We may come away from the table in a bit of a food coma, but hopefully with the satisfaction of an enjoyable feast and good company.
But when the last of these celebrations have passed, we can easily find ourselves feeling a little sluggish, bloated or generally “off” with our digestion.
That’s in part because holiday eating isn’t confined to just a couple of big meals. It starts at the beginning of December, or even earlier, when workplace gatherings and holiday parties get underway, and there always seems to be a box of chocolates or plate of cookies floating around. And who can say no when your colleague or favourite aunt shows up with her famous Nanaimo bars?
At Wise Bites we are firm believers in treats. But we make ours in a way that allows you to have the satisfaction of a dessert or afternoon pick-me-up, without the downsides of the usual sugary snacks.
Take our line of Soft Mini Cookies, for instance. These little cookies are portioned just right, and come in a handy, resealable pouch that makes them easy to share or pack along with you to keep you in snacks for a few days. At 70 calories for two in our Apple Pie and Raspberry Pie varieties, for example, you can have a couple — or more than a couple. That same serving also includes just two grams of sugar.
But even more important to us is what those calories deliver. For instance, each two-cookie serving of our Chocolate Soft Minis has four grams of protein. That means you get a legit boost of energy, instead of a carb crash half an hour later.
We use quality ingredients like pea protein, a healthy source of both plant-based protein and fibre. It’s high in calcium and iron, and is also a relatively low-carbohydrate form of protein compared to less expensive and commonly used ingredients found in other products, explains Cathline James, founder and CEO of Wise Bites. For every 100 grams of this ingredient, 80 grams is protein.
“All of those reasons make pea protein a really nice protein to use,” says James. “We compare it to lupin flour and brown rice protein and choose this one because of all these attributes.”
Bigger picture, having entirely plant-based offerings is part of Wise Bites’ original mission to produce sustainable food products that can be enjoyed by all. We do that by guaranteeing that all our treats are made in a dedicated facility that’s free of the top 11 allergens.
Wise Bites has been pleased to work with iLevel Management who in 2022 alone launched us into Healthy Planet, Metro and Walmart, and increased SKUs in Whole Foods and others. Stand by for news of other retailers coming on board soon.
5 Steps to Wellness in 2023
While many people around the world kick off the New Year with resolutions, fitness goals, travel plans, and other ideas for the future, less than 10% actually stick to them.
But why are resolutions so hard to stick to?
One possible explanation could be that at the time the resolution is made, we’re just caught up in the “New Year, new me” hype. Once that wears off, we tend to lose interest. Another possible explanation is that it’s not enough to say you’ll do something. You need to want to keep doing it.
Building a wellness mindset in 2023
While it’s great to say you’ll lose weight or work out more in the new year, it’s just empty words without the proper mindset. So maybe your resolution for 2023 should be building a healthy mindset, so you can get back to healthy practices (and why not, start some new ones).
Step 1. Start small.
Leading a healthier lifestyle is a very common New Year resolution, but it can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. After all, a healthy life is made up of so many details.
So instead of letting it overwhelm you, why not start small? Instead of trying to switch to a healthy life overnight, just pick one of the habits below to implement in your daily routine.
Start your day with a big glass of water.
Set aside 30-45 minutes for walking.
Leave 15 minutes for journaling before bed.
Try to meditate for 10 minutes every morning, before you start your day.
Instead of heading for the coffee pot, start your day with 15 minutes of exercise.
Swap 3 unhealthy meals in your regular diet for three healthy ones.
Create a yoga practice. It doesn’t have to be daily, but find space a few times a week to break free for 30 minutes. It will improve your flexibility, but also your mood.
Trying to do all can be a challenge, but just sticking to one is a lot easier. Ideally, the wellness step you’ve picked should be the one that most appeals/that’s most pressing. For instance, if your biggest health concern at the moment is a sedentary, inactive lifestyle, maybe go for the daily walk, the morning exercise, or the yoga routine.
Step 2. Grow from there.
Give yourself three months to create and reinforce this new habit. Did you pick starting the day with a glass of water? Then just focus on doing that for the next 90 days. Once those are done, drinking the glass of water will no longer feel like something you have to do for your health. It’ll just be routine.
Once you’re no longer actively thinking “I have to do this”, it’s time to incorporate another of the above habits into your routine.
Step 3. Listen to your body.
We talk about health like it’s this mysterious, external thing. But really, the healthiest habit we can incorporate is listening to our own bodies. Your body knows when it needs to move and be still. It knows when it’s hungry, and when it’s had enough. It even knows what you should feed it (e.g. carbs, protein, etc.), and will signal to you.
A lot of New Year resolutions fail because people try to force themselves to do something they don’t want to. But eating healthy doesn’t have to be a chore. If you’re going to stick to it, you need to find the healthy foods that your body likes and craves.
And sure, it’ll take some trial and error at first, but eventually, you’ll come away with a firmer knowledge of yourself.
So in the new year, it’s time to start listening to your own body to determine how you proceed in your wellness journey.
Step 4. Return to nature.
While industrialization has brought about many great things, that isn’t the case in our daily diets. Where the human body used to thrive getting its meals directly from nature, it’s now being stuffed with chemicals, preservatives, and other toxic components.
It’s time to stop all that. A lot of our resolutions center around diet and weight loss – but in 2023, let’s replace “eating less” with “eating better”. It might not seem like a big deal now, but all those toxic chemicals add up in your body and take their toll on your general health.
Take an interest in where your food is coming from. Pick organic food sources whenever you can.A healthier lifestyle isn’t about taking expensive supplements, it’s about ensuring a varied, natural diet.
Step 5. Don’t overlook mental health.
While it’s true that a balanced intake of protein, vitamins, and minerals can go a long way toward a happier, calmer inner state, it’s not everything. A truly healthy life is one you are happy to be in.
So in 2023, identify the things that are causing anxiety, or that simply no longer serve who you want to be, and cut them loose.
Seek out the practices that bring joy and inner release. For some people it’s yoga, for others it’s dancing, for others, it’s traveling, for others, it’s listening to music or reading. Everyone‘s a little different, so in the New Year, embrace who you are, and what makes you happy.
Some Key Takeaways
A resolution isn’t something to have for 2 weeks in January. It’s for building a happier, healthier, more sustainable lifestyle for the rest of your life.
Be patient with yourself. Don’t try to have it all at once, or you risk getting bored/stressed with this “new you”.
Pay attention to which healthy habits work for you, and which don’t. This is your journey.