April 2020 Newsletter

A Note From Our President | CHFA West 2020 | COVID 19 Article | Featured Brand

A note from our president

Dear Partners,

On behalf of myself and the entire team at iLevel Management, we hope you and your families are safe & healthy during this extraordinary time. Many of you are working on the front lines serving the Canadian consumer and we are very proud to work behind the scenes to support your efforts.

I know with our current climate, it is a challenge to balance our daily lives with the added stress of social distancing, working from home, being teachers to our children, being unable to visit aging parents, and many other demands. It is indeed a tough road to walk, but I am hopeful that we will come out of this stronger and have a new appreciation for many of the small things in our lives. I’m hopeful the world we live in will have some major impactful shifts that will better the lives of all and of the planet we live on.

As we navigate through and await what our new “normal” will be, please know that iLevel management is here to serve you. If you require any assistance, please reach out to any one of our team members or me directly.

Thank you to all our frontline workers out there, including retailers, warehouse workers, health care professionals, freight forwards and more. We are grateful for the work you are doing each and every day.

Jimmy Vaid President

CHFA West 2020

This year at CHFA West, iLevel had an excellent showing! In our section we had a total of 14 brands participating. In addition to our regular brands, we have launched new ventures with Miura (Japanese-style chilled coffee and matcha), Natura Solutions (non-toxic cleaning solutions) and Sunbutter (sunflower butter).


COVID19 Article

Health / By Seema Doad

COVID19 (novel coronavirus infection) is a public health emergency creating a stir of emotions in people across the globe. The virus, first identified in Wuhan China in January 2020 has now infected over 1.8 million people worldwide and claimed the lives of approximately 117,000 people to date (according to the World Health Organization, as of April 14th 2020) most of them being children and the elderly. The known symptoms are ranging from those linked to the common cold or flu (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) to infections like pneumonia, or medical conditions like organ failure and, in the most severe cases the illness has caused death.

The virus is spread through respiratory droplets- usually found when a person coughs or sneezes, so it’s no wonder why panic and fear are spreading like wildfire whenever a person coughs or sneezes in public. With no known vaccine or remedy, those presenting symptoms are being encouraged to contact their local health officials to be tested and, if COVID19 is detected in a carrier, individuals are being quarantined until their health is deemed safe from spreading the virus.

The fact is, most of the general population is not living in a quarantined bubble, so there are no guarantees now from preventing large scale spread of COVID 19. With cases increasing in numbers around the world, there is growing concerns that the inability to contain the virus may cause a global pandemic. We have already seen a downturn in the stock markets and people have already been preparing by clearing out store shelves to stock up on food, water and supplies. Many people have been canceling non-essential travel and sadly some people have been avoiding certain restaurants and establishments that have ties to Asian countries (no you can’t catch coronavirus from eating Asian cuisine). Flashbacks of SARS in the early 2000s is all some people who lived through that epidemic need to remember to take measures to ensure a safer well-being.

In any event, the best any of us can do is to try and remain calm, continue with our day to day lives at work and home while exercising caution and including preventative measures into our routines. Small actions can make a big difference. Wash hands thoroughly and more often with soap and hot water. Using alcohol-based hand sanitizers, avoid touching the face throughout the day and trying to avoid close contact with anyone that might be sick. Wipe down gym equipment before and after use, wear gloves on the subway. Being more aware of your habits and keeping up with personal hygiene can really go a long way.

If you have to sneeze or cough, use a tissue and throw it away as soon as you are done then sanitize your hands. Sneeze into you elbow or inside your shirt or wear a mask to prevent the spread of droplets. Stay home if you are sick, people will appreciate the gesture and you will save yourself from the looks of panic in people’s eyes and then rushing across the street to avoid you when you sneeze.

Most importantly, stay informed from the right sources by going to www.who.int The World Health Organization’s Website. Listen to your local news and health authorities to know what is happening in your community, check travel advisories travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories, and don’t just rely on other people to get your information.


Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Coronovirus© City of Toronto 1998 - 2020 | https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/health-wellness-care/diseases-medications-vaccines/coronavirus/

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak ©2020 WHO| https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report 85 ©2020 WHO | https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200414-sitrep-85-covid- 19.pdf?sfvrsn=7b8629bb_4


Featured Brand – Silver Biotics

Silver Strong

No matter the season, maintaining a healthy immune system is one of the most important jobs for your body. We encounter millions of germs every day, many with the potential to keep us from living an active lifestyle. There’s been an increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria and mutated virus in recent years, which means these germs can be very aggressive and difficult for the immune system to defend against. Our immune system is the body’s defense against enemy cells. Its job is to recognize and destroy foreign invaders (bad cells), while preserving healthy cells (good cells) such as probiotics and white blood cells.

Don’t let the close quarters of quarantine and social distancing leave you or your family sharing sickness, when we are all working so hard to avoid it right now. It is important to proactively arm yourself by incorporating the appropriate exercise and natural health products backed by independent research and proven results into your daily routine. Among those natural health products is the Silver Biotics® family. Clinically proven in the US over the last 20 years, Silver Biotics can help keep you and your family healthy and strong despite what you may encounter.

Silver Biotics Silver Supplement is the perfect, daily way to support your immune system with the trace element silver. It contains our powerful SilverSol Technology® to give your body a boost, so that it can do its job keeping you strong and healthy for all your daily adventures. It is natural, gluten free, and safe for the whole family. Also, unlike other silver supplements, it has been proven through independent research that Silver Biotics Silver Supplement will not harm your probiotics. This means it can safely be taken everyday without harming your gut health, a key element of a healthy and happy immune system. Backed by over 420 independent major reports and studies, Silver Biotics Silver Supplement is the proven leader in safe and effective immune support.

Silver Biotics Silver Supplement is also available in an incredible new form: Silver Biotics Silver Lozenges, where it is combined synergistically with medical grade manuka honey and all its many benefits. Combining two such super- powered immune supporting ingredients in one lozenge has never been seen before, and the results are life changing. They work in tandem to soothe a sore throat or help with dry mouth while supporting the immune system.

All of Silver Biotics products are non-toxic and interact well with other supplements or medications you take, so they can easily be added to your routine without any negative interactions.

Your skin is also an important component in protecting your body, and let’s face it – we all want healthy looking skin. We carefully formulated our Silver Biotics® products to work triple duty by beautifying and protecting, while promoting healing. Our fast absorbing skin care products use our patented SilverSol Technology® to naturally promote healing, leaving your skin looking and feeling amazing.

The Silver Biotics Antimicrobial Skin Cream brings skin care to a whole new level. It is an all-natural and organically formulated skin cream that provides a layer of antimicrobial protection for your skin. It helps moisturize, protect, and beautify the skin, all while leaving it feeling silky smooth. Lately, the extensive use of alcoholic sanitizers has left hands deprived of moisture and clammy. Restore their health with the powerful combination of A-list ingredient celebrities, including coconut oil, vitamin E, and hyaluronic acid. You’ll also notice that it doesn’t contain any parabens, phthalates, sulfates, or harsh preservatives. It is available in unscented and essential oil scented varieties.

Another of our amazing skin protecting products is Silver Biotics Armor Gel, an antimicrobial first- aid gel for wounds that effectively kills bacteria, fungus and yeast. It quickly soothes and won’t stain, stick, sting or burn, inside or outside an open wound. Armor Gel wound care provides a protective layer, or “armor”, allowing the body to heal itself faster. It will also give you peace of mind, knowing you’ve given your family the best protection – so that you can all keep going strong, Silver Biotics strong.

McKay Moeller - Canada Manager, Account Executive


July 2020 Newsletter